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Everything posted by rasemuae

  1. Yah I agree. Issue with the DNA chip. Windows7 Pro and other versions also, 2-3 PC and 5 USB cables .... did not work; USB connector is about fine, charging , vaping connecting to the PC but not seen by Escribe. Filled the ticket as per your kind advice, being in the UAE / Dubai will be hard to get it fixed or replaced. I was very much interested of getting the 166 all black from therion now will backup. Was in love with the device look,,, Thanks again, was very helpful chat
  2. Hi.. it's in one of my posts. However, with my new therion 75 DNA I'm enable to connect it to the pc. With my IT team we tried more than a pc More than 4 USB cables All works perfectly but not with the new therion 75 Installed older versions of the escribe logging in as admin / installing as admin and unfortunately no way to connect the therion 75 to any pc. Issue is a month back on a Freind PC and it did connect I used his pc today, same PC and cannot be connected. I gave up after 3 days of traying all combinations and ways . If anyone can help me out in here I will be greatfull .. Thanks
  3. Yah, no luck, did the same on other computers also ... same issue. Any way or method to do a reset on the device it self ??
  4. thanks man ,,,,, getting it now,,,, yet I remember doing that try as well but no luck of fixing the issue. Crossing fingers here.
  5. Where to get the V1.2 SP3 please ??
  6. Where I can find the version V1.2 SP3 ??
  7. I tired that ... same result... Not recognizing it
  8. I have STILL the same problem... all drivers are selected etc... but yet cant recognize the device... I reinstalled the software 3,4,5 times and changed the cable which are perfectly fine yet cant solve the issues. WIth the Reluex its working JUST perfectly fine but the therion dna75 No HELP
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