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Everything posted by CatnipCreek

  1. Awesome! Thanks, guys! I understand how to change temp now & I will watch the videos! I set up a Power Ctrl Profile & am using that for now. I will indeed hang around. I want to explore the DNA features as well as TC to eventually fine tune my vaping experience.
  2. Ok. Not sure how to change the Temp on the mod itself. It has to be in a TC mode I'm guessing so temp could be adjusted... But in the Profile default choices only Profile 1 (named Kanthal) is set to Temperature OFF. Would be just fine to use Profile 1 then? It's confusing to me because I have no idea if my coil is Kanthal or not. I guess newbies like me need a default profile that is named WATTS or POWER and has temp set to off. Thanks for your help!!
  3. DNA75... I admit I'm rather new to sub-ohm vaping but other non-dna mods I have used sensed the coil immediately. I want to use my SMOK Micro TFv4 tank with a 0.3? Micro CLP2 head on my new Therion DNA75. So what should Profile & Mode settings be? I want to control watts (have it show volts... not TC). I have tried to find what material is used in the CLP2 coil but find no info. I finally figured out how to change the mode on my actual mod (Therion DNA75). But there is no mode when I cycle through the choices for Fused Clapton ... or even just Watts (Power). Default choices via the device are Kanthal, 316, Nickel, or Titanium. I see a Watts choice in the software app via PC but no Profile is already set up for Watts... or Clapton. Oh, and what is difference between 316 & 316L? Help, please?
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