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Posts posted by Naseschwarz

  1. Hi there! My question is about DNA75 EScribe settings, too, although a bit different from the original post. I can't find any information on how to adjust the LED lights. I know how to set one or more colours but how do I get a gradual transformation, from black to red to yellow to orange then black again, for example?? And I was wondering what the small box below the cross to delete one colour means?? The one that turns yellow when clicked. A little documentation, a manual, any mouse-over info would have helped, guys... Cheers!

  2. Hello everyone, first post here. It would be terriffic to have the option to gradually ramp up / step down power in power mode with Kanthal. What I'm thinking about is setting a normal operating wattage (e.g. 50W) and another different wattage (e.g. 150W) as well as a time scale (e.g. 2 seconds). Then the power would gradually increase/decrease until it reaches the normal operating wattage after the set time interval. This would allow bigger Kanthal builds with clapton coils and such to ramp up quickly, outside of temp control. Just to be future proof, it would be nice to be able to set the initial wattage lower than the normal operating one - i.e. slowly increasing power to experience various flavours at different temps (a feature I heard about in another box mod on the market). That would be awesome! Cheers, Naseschwarz

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