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Everything posted by Dampy

  1. Well, I thought I had tried everything but using the preheat instead of no preheat at all may have solved the issue I had with roasting the cotton in the middle. I've been using one of the same twisted 24g build for a few days now and no sign of any char on the cotton. Kinda sucks since I like the heat to come on slow but if it works I guess I cant complain. After using the premade coil heads for some time its nice to come back to the world of superior flavor lol. On topic. The 316L I had was so springy that it was nearly impossible to make even dual coils out of. The Ti was not springy whatsoever and stayed in perfect coil shape, its incredibly easy to work with. I just received the clapton 316L I ordered today and had none of the troubles I had previously with steel, i'm pretty happy with both now. I agree that Ti does have a different taste to it, however in my opinion its not a negative. I think it brings out the flavor in some juice better. If it doesn't work with your favorite flavors best to just avoid it. As for burning coils to clean them, I really never had good experiences with that. It always made my flavor a little more muted every time. Even back when I was building with Kanthal I would rather just make a new coil than try to clean them. Anyway, Thanks KISS V. for resurrecting this thread, It gave me a little motivation to try again and so far it looks like it worked I like your American Psycho pic btw.
  2. The problem with the ones that I had bent was the wire would wiggle around no matter how tight the screw was and throw off the ohm reading. I'm betting it's because they were knockoffs and just poorly made.
  3. The 24g titanium has put big dents in a few of my posts, that stuff does not like to bend like kanthal. I'll try out that build if I have the wire for it, I used to do something similar with nickel. I'm sure it will be much less annoying if it doesn't work, now that I have a tank on standby that I like.
  4. I actually gave up trying to get titanium to work lol. It was so fustrating I gave up building completely and have been using tfv8 premade coils. For the record I was not using the pre heat setting at all or it was as low as possible. Do you think that having it set so low somehow caused the coil to not spread heat properly? I was thinking about giving it a shot again, it would be nice to get it to work. I have thinner wire I can try with more wraps and play with the preheat setting.
  5. I'm guessing this is similar or the same as the black char stuff that typically forms on the coils after a week or so? It had occurred to me this might be the case. I don't have access to a microscope but once it's built up to where to has in my pictures it has a very similar kind of lung irritation to burnt cotton. It doesn't even seem possible for it to be burning so it's probably not. It might as well be burns with the level of irritation it's causing though. Any ideas on how to minimize this? I'd be happy if my wicks would last a few days at least. Titanium contact coils have had such inconsistent performance I'd like to try everything I can to avoid them.
  6. It makes sense the middle would heat up faster, they are definitely burning from the middle outward. I'm having a hard time figuring out how wet cotton burns when the dry test won't. If the temp control is working correctly it shouldn't go over burning temperatures regardless of the juice buildup right? At the very least the cotton even being slightly damp should prevent burning at temps in the 400 degree range. Unless the juice gunk is causing the temperature to spike somehow. Aside from that, this is happening really fast. Some of these coils have so little juice buildup they almost look fresh off the roll. I can't remember if I have tried different juices with these builds, I only started recording my results after this had happened a few times and became suspicious about it. Since then I have used the same juice for consistency. It's possible it is the juice. I suppose I'll have to try a build with something at 70 vg, I can't really tolerate lower than that, too much pg gives me headaches. I'm currently trying coil that's spaced a bit wider than i normally make. I'm hoping that larger spacing will let more of the airflow reach the cotton while keeping the heat over a larger area. It's a tossup but I've been trying for months to figure this out, and there isn't much I haven't tried. The juice is something that hadn't occurred to me yet, so thanks I'll give it a shot.
  7. Idk it seems like if this was something that happens with spaced coils in general there would be a lot more talk about toasting the cotton in them after a day. I never got this with other materials stainless, nickel, kanthal. Maybe it is as you say but I've seen a lot of people saying how great their titanium coils are working, saying they last for weeks at a time and such. Makes me think I'm doing something wrong you know? I think the biggest mystery here is that I can power it up with dry cotton up to 470f and it'll barely change color, but if I leave it at those settings and vape it by the end of work the next day it's beginning to get burns.
  8. I'm having trouble with my spaced ti coils. I can get contact coils to work well but I really prefer the flavor and performance of spaced coils. I've tried everything I can think of and haven't been able to find anyone else online with this particular issue. My coils are burning cotton despite everything being as perfect as I can make it. Strangely they don't burn at all when I test them dry, only changing color in excess of 470 or so. I left the temperature there and had a great vape for about 24 hours until it's burnt. This has happened with three different attys, I gave up thinking I wasn't dripping often enough or something. I got a Griffin tank and tried some spaced coils with the same result. I'll stop myself from writing a book about my frustrations with this stuff.. I usually run 50-60 watts at 450f-490f .10 to .16 ohms. ko gen cotton. Also tried rayon with the same results. My builds are solid, usually fluctuating .01 only in very cold temps this winter. I've tried the CSV included with escribe as well as from steam engine. Using 24g lightning vapes titanium 1. My coil ohms are accurate according to steam engine. I'm in the correct profile. Anyway I appreciate any suggestions I can try out. Here are some pictures of what it looks like after a day. My juice has no coloring added and is 90%vg.
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