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Everything posted by nikoskater8

  1. the box was at room temperature (62-63 F) i can't check the cell voltage in device monitor since the usb port is no more working.. i checked on the store, which pointed me to the italian flawless distributor whom i'm dealing with atm! thanks everyone, i'll keep you guys updated
  2. it works perfectly except for the USB port!! no juice, nor dirt inside, usb ports seems all normal..i'll contact the vendor since it's been purchased in late august it is still covered with the warranty.. i'll keep you updated!
  3. hi everyone, i was charging my mod with an 0,50 Amp max wall adapter and the same USB cable i use to connect to escribe, after leaving it there for 1 hour, i reached it to look at what % of charge it had reached and i noticed that it was recharging the mod at 0.18 amp. Since it looked strange (it usually charges at 0.49-0.50 amps) i've unplugged everything and tried to connected to the computer where i've found out that i was no more read by the computer. i've tried to reboot and reset everything on the computer, change the usb cable but nothing worked, so i thought i might recharge completely the battery via ac wall adapter but this time i could not even charge it on the wall adapter. i've tried three different cables and four or five different wall adapters now i'm stuck like that..any advices?
  4. wow!!! it worked, the screws were hella loose! what a solid 0.101 i'm getting now! even the upload setting to device works in a third of the time.. thanks man!
  5. update: left the mod sitting for 20 mins with atomizer analyzer opened and both raw and cold ohms read 0.287 ohms (0.29 on device) tired firing it from the mod, not from device monitor and i got some OFF for a fraction of second and then a 5 digit temperature and it was not an 80watts firing for sure, more in a 150 watts range if i have to guesstimate, with atom analyzer still on the values went back to 0.148-0.150 in raw ohms but stayed 0.287 in cold ohms. closed and reopened the atom analyzer and i get 0.184 cold ohms and 0.154 - 0.155 raw ohms. the raw ohms seems to go up little by little if i'm letting the device sit without firing it i've tried running the atomizer analyzer with a non tc premade coil (0.54- 0.55 on the tab) on a different atty and it reads 0.628 cold ohms and raw ohms going between 0.617 to 0.627 with some higher peak still in the 0.62-0.63 range and mostly in the 0.620 range and another atty with 0.28 coil reading 0.347 cold ohms and 0.358 - 0.360 raw ohms and keeps going up after leaving it sit screwing back the original 0.1 atty (goon) it reads 0.22 raw ohms and no cold ohms after firing it it goes down to 0.16-0.17 both cold and raw ohms only to keep going up in raw ohms i don't know if it could help but i'm running the vmware fusion on a macbook to emulate windows xp and run escribe and also i haven't run no case nor battery analyzer, i've only set the Wh with the watts/hour calculator and the mah read on the lips pack and set a few custom screen images EDIT: i've tried the last atty i have (subzero 24) and with the same build as the first atty (goon) and it read 0.20 and over should i do an hard reboot to reset the mod to factory settings and then re-apply the saved "general" backup file?
  6. power and live ohms got some values but i couldn't catch them as they posed up and disappeared too fast. on the screen of my mod i got temperature protected still flashing atm even if i started a 4 sec fire (edit. made it stop by switching off the tc)
  7. atom analyzer started reading at 0,137 then stabilized at 0.01443 -0.0144 (peak at 0.0145 but mostly around 0.0143 - 0.0144 ). in reading it would seldom times for a fraction of sec read error in nominal ohms (temp) reading (see attached photo) the material csv is the one provided by escribe (316) and this is the link of the wire with the specs that i'm using (http://www.wireandstuff.co.uk/products/316-Grade-Stainless-Steel-Wire--AISI-316----0.6mm--600-Micron---22-AWG--314.html#SID=89) also attached the device monitor's screenshot
  8. ok so update done that fixed the % of the battery, atty and 510 connector cleaned with rubbing alcohol, screws on atty are tightened all the way and coils are spaced (not touching at all) but i'm still experiencing issues.. -ohms even if locked to 0.1 ohm, changes to 0.13-0.12 with the lock icon still showing -at 80watt and 600F or 300C it fires the first time and then keeps showing temperature protected at whatever value i set; if i set it to OFF it fires normally
  9. thanks @ChunkyButt200 both of my coils have separated wraps! i'm gonna clean the atty pin and the 510 connector and also update to the new firmware suggested by you and then get back to you!
  10. Hi everyone! I recently bought my first dna 200 mod (flawless tugboat) is there anyone who could help me? i'm experiencing various issues as: -coil is misreading (6 wraps of 22ga ss316 on 3mm is reading 0.10-0.11 on other mods and tabs) and on the dna200 reads it 0.05-0.09 -if i lock my ohms (0.10) in tc mode or pwr mode i can see the lock icon beside the ohm reading on the box but as i fire they'll go down to 0.05 and it then stays like that. -i had to set the mod resistance at 0.04 to make it read 0.10 otherwise it would read 0.14 (but i haven't analyzed in any accurate way, just some math to make it read 0.10) -sometimes when i upload the setting to the device it'll show 0% battery so i have to do a soft reboot in order to make it display the right % again -in tc mode if i set let's say 90w and whatever temperature even the highest i get temperature protected or i get little to no vapor at all -sometimes in tc mode when i fire it goes straight to OFF and fires i know it's a lot of things, but could someone please help me?
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