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Personal Information

  • Full Name
    derek m leonard
  • Location
    Tiverton ri
  • What DNA product do you own or plan to buy?
    Therion dna 16y

dleon1971's Achievements

New Member

New Member (1/3)



  1. I'm not sure how to use escribe. I've fiddled with it a bit but am not 100% sure what I'm doing. When I get home I'll check it out. Any pictures on what it should look like ? Any good tutorials on how to use ?
  2. So if I put in a freshly charged pair of batteries it will say 100% , after my first or second pull it will go down to 83% , if I continue to vape the percentage will go down from their. If I let it sit after timing out it will then read 98% . Then it will be fine for the rest of the day. Any suggestions ???????
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