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About jdlockwood

  • Birthday 08/31/1970

Personal Information

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  • Location
    Tucson, AZ
  • What DNA product do you own or plan to buy?
    Efusion Duo, DIY B DNA 200

jdlockwood's Achievements


Member (2/3)



  1. Nice mod "Fromoblivion", Am I correct in that's a B box?
  2. My latest build, more of a refurbish. Got it used off a younger person, was a DNA 200 with a 1300 battery that was bulging and a cheap 510 that was falling apart. Got a Brimstone sled, Ati brass buttons, FDV 510, some brass bolt and nuts to put it back together. I also tried my hand at etching (supposed to be gears), didn't turn out great, but this is a work mod so it doesn't matter to me how ugly it may look.
  3. So I had my Efusion Duo for about three months and one night the screen went blank, wouldn't come on for nothing. Thankfully Lost Vape has a 6 month warranty. I just got it back after a month in the mail today... When it died I had taken the Lipo out and put the battery tray in to try and see if the battery was the problem and didnt think about putting the Lipo back in when I sent it out. So I get it back today and it seems to work fine with the 2 18650's but when I plug in the Lipo and change the settings in Escribe I still dont get the "charging" bolt on the screen and it says 0% for the battery charge and it says "check Battery". Under the device monitor it's telling me that "Pack" is at 4.28V, Cell 1 @ 1.49V, Cell 2 @ 1.39V, Cell 3 @ 1.39V. I keep looking at the Mod tab and I know Ive set it up correctly (14.43 for a 1300 3 cell) Did the battery fry when the board did? ( the general tab tells me they put a new board in via the date is only 2 months old now. Do I really have to deal with warranty again?
  4. Just finished my 200, first mod I've built. Did a lot of research and ended up going with a Alpinetech B box, Mitech switch, XT30, MaxAmps 2250, Varitube V1. Next id going to be a DNA 250 in a G+ box...
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