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Everything posted by lawtran

  1. Hi bro! I try to use lipo battery low volt test reader buzz and get this result when battery fully chager : total: 12.1 # 1: 4.02 #2: 4.02 #3: 4.05 I think i should use battery analyzers on this night to to get watt hour closer to showing 0%. Thank for your help
  2. so this sound like i need purchase a new battery ?
  3. yes, bro. When fully charger are all 3 cells at 4.2 volts. is it battery problem ? p/s: Actually , when lipo charging to about 36%, all 3cells at 3.7 volts, bro
  4. Thank alot. I alreay imaging about it! i will use search function ! But before this i will try by this machine read detail of lipo battery and fix it. If not working, i will try battery analyzers on weekend!
  5. Thank you, but this picture have size only 75x100. I cant see anything. Could you re-upload another picture
  6. Many thank for your help! I will try it on weekend! Actually , i have a mainboard read detail of lipo battery ! By this , i could read total volt of lipo , volt each cell! I'll try to calculate watt hour on paper. If it wont work. I will try battery analyzers One more time, thank you for help
  7. Thank you for your suggestion! 1. I will try battery analyzer after full recharge. But when i run battery analyze. Must i have atomizer or not ? 2. After i run battery analyzer, will i change my battery capacitu to 16.6 wh ? Sorry my bad english Thank again !
  8. Hi All Im dna200's user. i just order a new lipo 1300 3cell 25c. Eveything working. But my device alway stop working at 25%. System report " check battery" When i connect device to Escribe , and going to device monitor i saw that problem: On cell 3 , at 25%, is always less more than cell 1 & 2. Here my setup battery on Escribe So any one could tell me what happen with my dna. Thank alot
  9. @giz_60 : Thank you for your help! I tried creat another fuse by my self and replace to older and my dna working properly!
  10. Yes, it looking like you picture SO have any way to fix it. Could i remove this inductor and connect them directly
  11. Hi all! I need help please!! I try to build my dna200, everything will working fine only when i hate wrong way(+ -> - and - -> +) the cable between battery and mainboard. Afterthat, my put on my battery but of course no working. I fond this, and try to hate the cable correct way again. Now my device can't start up. He can wake up only when i connect to my computer. If i plug off from my computer, my dna switch off. On Escribe, my battery charging nomarlly, So what should i do now ? This device is very important to me cause it a gift. Please help me Here a picture of my monitor device . Battery working fine . Thank alot
  12. Hi buddy! My dna200 drop down this inductor, someone please tell me what is that and could my device working with out this ( in red square) Thank alot ! have a nice day
  13. Firstly, i would like to say hello to anyone! I'm a newbie of building custom box. Today, i try to move a board (DNA 200) from my old mod box to new one. Sadly, when i assembled, a component was broken. (red square on my picture) So my question is, what is a component and what function of this? So will my board working properly without this component ? If won't how can i fix it? Anyway thank for you help. Sorry about my bad english
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