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Scott Novosel

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  • Full Name
    Scott Novosel
  • Location
    United States
  • What DNA product do you own or plan to buy?
    Lavabox m dna75

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  1. I've been too lazy to mail it out... But evolve is all over it. You mail the whole mod in and they take care of it. I imagine if it's under 1 year warranty... Your good to go
  2. Thanks chunkybutt.... Figured it was toast. The board is soldered... Will I have to tear it apart or ship the whole mod to evolve? I already opened a ticket... Just trying to get a jump on things. This device is past warranty... The chip is not
  3. It does not include statistics in screen shot for whatever reason if that's what you mean. I click the screenshot button and that's what it gives me
  4. I did the service pack update...seems to not have helped. Still get too hot when pressing fire button
  5. it is reading 110 room temp...how do I reflash? thanks for reply
  6. in stand by with no atty on...I get the "too hot" message when fire button is pressed. Anyone know a fix for this?
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