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Everything posted by jaygee

  1. Cheers. I'll post up here if I find any solutions. The current coil se ms to be behaving for now.
  2. And another, showing the screen stutter I'm getting. The whole monitor freezes briefly, but the mod itself is functioning as expected. I think it is the performance of the virtual machine. I tested the OS native monitor, and there were no dropouts.
  3. OK. I set up a test profile. I set the power to 25 and preheat settings to their lowest (power: 1, punch: 1, time: 0). I'm a noob, so I am probably doing things wrong. There still is some punch on the graph. The issues above are not present, as they are intermittent. This graph looks better.
  4. Thank you @Wayne. I'll take a look. Nice to see a Mac specific monitor. I'm looking at setting up another box with more resources too. edit: Thank you for the link. It is handy.
  5. I'm only really interested in SS too. It just seems like the best material for my limited requirements. I'll give Ni a go, just because I was going to do it anyway for fun. If there are any issues, I'll post them up here. I was going to rummage around at the office to see if I can find an old laptop, but ended up getting VirtualBox to run easily. I'll have rummage next week. I'm afraid this is my only DNA device. I'm not sure that I need any more at the moment. I said that about bicycles when I first started riding, and I now have 5...
  6. Thank you for the reply. I haven't tried any other wire actually. The main reason being that I am aiming for higher ohm builds. I have some Ni200 28 in my box, so I'll give it a try. This will obviously be sub-ohm. Giving the predominance of sub-ohm vaping, could it be the boards are tuned for this? Another thing I didn't mention, was that the issue appears more often after I have dripped. I thought it may have been because I was flooding the coil, but I don't think so. Could the conductivity of the juice be an issue? I wouldn't think so. What I have noticed with the TC issue, was that if I dropout of TC for a few puffs, and switch back, it goes away. Another plus for SS. As to device monitor, It may be that I'm running escribe on VirtualBox on a Mac. I assumed the gaps in the cold ohms reading were because of this. There is a bit of stutter on the chart, but no more than 1/4 second or so.
  7. I have a new Lost Vape Epetite DNA 60 mod. I am running an Eden Mods Snapdragon V1.5 My build is a single coil SS316L 32AWG (Stealth Vape UK) 2.5mm ID, 6 wraps spaced, and coming out at around 1.46 ohms, wicked with cotton. I am using 50/50 bestcigliquid (UK) NET tobacco. Tend to keep the airflow pretty tight for MTL. I'm running default DNA 60 settings for SS316, and I tend to keep the temp at between 200 - 220 C So. The coils run superbly for around half a day, then the weirdness starts. As you can see, the live Ohms are dropping out, and this seems to be borking the TC. I'm pretty new to building coils, but I'm a bit OCD, so they tend to be pretty neat. Also, the builds are super simple. They are within spec right? Yes, the contacts are good. I used the escribe atomiser analyser tool to see if there were any problems and things were stable. This is not the only build the issues has cropped up on. I have made a few coils to test things all with the same wire 5 wraps at 1.25 Ohms and 6 wraps at 1.5. I also tried a similar buid in my Digiflavor Siren, with the same issue. I use SS, because it seems to be the simplest to build with. I use 32AWG, because I can get the ohms I want without too much wire. I am lucky in that I can vape at my desk at work, but don't want to offend people and tend to sip away all day. What am I doing wrong?
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