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Posts posted by Lance

  1. Mine is a Hcigar dna 200 so its not a Lost Vapes issue quite a few people have or have had the same problem.

    I also did a SS316L clapton build in a Boreas and Steam Crave Supreme and also Ijoy Tornado nano they all go funky on the DNA but on the Ijoy LUX + Joyetech + Fuchai + Istick 200 they work fine in temp mode.

    I also sent the DNA back thinking is there a fault but nope no fault found.

    It works great as a power only device.

  2. mui said:

    I have actually used SS316L claptons with therion 133 for some time now, with different attys (griffin 25, limitless xl, tfv8) and couple different profiles for SS. Common problem seems to be that mod calibrates resistance too low for some reason, result is that I get too cold vape on TC, only solution so far ive noticed is to preheat coils a little, say 0.5sec on VW mode, then remove atty, make mod understand there is no atomizer anymore, attach it and setup it as new coil. After this locking ohms to 0.02ish higher than originally seems to fix the issue. Vape is now within temp range I wish it to be and stay there. When doing claptons, failing to connect only core is certain way to make this matter worse, eg. Mod wont stay in ohmlock anymore. I have no idea why this happens but I hope this helps someone

    Exactly the way i have to do it on the DNA, But to be honest i haven't used my DNA in over 6 months because of this reason it has become a paper weight.
  3. mylt1 said:

    just got my VS DNA200 back from having a new board put in it due to the original frying itself. now the new board seems to be having issues with showing the correct resistance using Ni200. my build shows .12 on my rDNA40 and fires fine on that but if i switch it over to the 200 its showing anywhere from .09-.10 and doesnt fire correctly. escribe is showing my resistance as normal .098 and raw ohms as .105 give or take. in order to get the atty to fire correctly i have to fire it and unscrew the atty, fire the device without the atty attached, then screw the atty back on and fire for it to ask for a new device and hope that its around the .12 ohms then lock it in. any idea on whats happening here?

    Yep i get that in my HCigar VT200.

    Pain in the back side 
  4. I got some SS430 and to be honest i had a better vape of it than SS316L and not much messing either.

    I used the 304 CSV of steam engine and changed the TCR in escribe to match SS430 and its been pretty good to be honest for me any way.

    Some one will be able to guide you in a better direction on here i hope :)


  5. VapingBad said:


    I get unsupported file format from that ecig profile. When i try to upload it to the vt200[/QUOTE]
    You probably have a different globalisation setting for number formats, you can temporally change it to en-US to load the file.[/QUOTE]

    Just tried changing to EN-US and still "unsupported file format"
  6. Yep i have and it works.

    But in order to get it to a ohms that work its hit and miss as i have to fire it in kanthal for a split second then take the tank off and back on again and if im lucky then the ohms will have raised 0.02 to 0.03 and then lock it and it works, But am i getting the correct TC or ?

  7. Ok another build

    SS316L 24g dual 11 wraps 2.5mm on ohms meter it comes out at 0.40, Then when i put it on the VT200 it registers 0.37 but it does fire but it hits TP and doesn't go higher than 20w and cold vape not much vapor either.

    This is with a UD Bellus and Aramoriser RDTA.

    So if i take the tank back off and put it back on the ohms will go up by 0.04 to 0.41 and then fires with a lovely warm vape.1

    But when i leave the tank for say 10 minutes and go back to it, It has gone back to 0.37 and back to hitting TP with in a second.

    Tried 4 different CSV files inc the ones from Jaquith and wire wizard.

    On power only mode its perfect.


  8. I have to do the same thing as what Riup does, Its weird. If you can get your coil to warm a little i.e set it to Kanthal (low watts) and do a couple of pulses then go back to your Titanium Preset and it will show the ohms has raised a little you will get vapour and taste.

    Dunno why but it just is.

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