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Posts posted by badrudin

  1. DrChud said:

    I just tried that and it didn't make a difference. Both batteries are showing the correct voltage but watt hours are showing as 32 in device monitor. When I put the same batteries in the other mod they say 4.20V and 38 watt hours. It seems to be working fine though. 

    trying to do the calculation and input watt hours MAH with the appropriate capacity, if could I want to see his monitor device?
  2. DrChud said:

    Yeah it's set correctly I think. I have the watt hour set the same on both mods. I'm using sony vtc5a's and it's set to 38.48 with two cells. I very new to this and not all that sure what I'm doing. I haven't uploaded any CSV battery curves, I'm using the settings it came with. I have a vt 167 and a finder 167. The vt is the one that is out.

    You must Try change MAXIMIZE PUFFS to MAXIMIZE RECHARGES, cause on my mod it works bro, even i no sett curves and CSV battery
  3. DrChud said:

    I'm having the same problem with one of my dna 167 mods. It's reading freshly charged batteries at 85%. The first time it did it I tried the soft reboot and that worked but it doesn't seem to be working this time. Not sure what to do now. The same batteries are showing 100% in my other dna 167 mod.

    Finally i got finished the problem 1 go to escribe> options> user interface> manufacturer 2 select MOD 3 change the settings maximize maximize puffs into recharges 4 upload settings to devices
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