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    South Africa
  • What DNA product do you own or plan to buy?
    Therion DNA 166

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  1. Hi James Thank you for that clarity I shall try this out now.
  2. Tx for the reply I shall continue to try and figure this one out
  3. I have just purchased the paranormal DNA 250c and am very new to using a DNA chipset. Been searching high and low to try and find a explanation for the following: What is the difference between the “boost” and the “punch” function and how are they used ? 1. Am I right in my assumption that Boost will give you a preheat ramp up function with the the amount of boost (wattage) being determined by what has been set in the “wattage boost” profile. So if the “watts boost” profile is set to say 15 watts I assume then that that set wattage (15 watts) is what will be used in the other profiles when boost is set to “on”. Is this correct ? 2. How long will the boost be active for, for example: 1 sec or until a specific temp 3. What does the “punch” function then do. As this can be set between 0 and 11. Is this seconds that boost runs for or is this also a form of ramp up ? 4. Do these two functions run independently or are they interlinked somehow ? How would one use them concurrently or individually ? 5. I have also noticed that If boost is not set to “on” in the specific profile on Escribe then it won’t work on mod whether it’s set to on or off on the menu on mod ? So for a profile to use “boost” must that function be set in escribe for that profile and not on the mod menu system ? 6. Running the device monitor on escribe I don’t see anything happening that increases wattage when u fire atty using the “punch function” only whether it’s set to 0 or 11 Would appreciate it if somebody could explain in lay mans terms how these functions work and how one would use them Thanking you
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