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Posts posted by Tomr1088

  1. My first Dna200. My first chip somehow was working then just stopped and wouldn't do anything plugged in or not. Could connect on escribe but no screen and no atomizer reading or firing. Just could see battery voltage. New chip is working flawless tho. I've built a few boxes with sx350j chips and dual 18650s in a 1550p and various dna40 things but the dna200 was nice to build. Still not finished with mounting the screen. Ordered some mamu board cradles that I wanna glue to the inside of my boxes as a board support. Also wanna redo my battery connector as I tend to wick too much solder into the wires making them stiff lol Also I might add. Despite all the haters on the forums who can only spit out "who needs those watts" or " such small mah batteries" this chip is the shit. I've been anticipating it since it was leaked. And it's been the best experience I've had and takes temp control to a whole new level that I don't think China will even catch up with. It truly is a masterpiece. Not to mention not having to worry about updating or a new chip coming out every week making the last one junk. Now I can just make my box. And flash advancements when they come. And the customer support is outstanding.



  2. I feel the same way. But i can see why it's done. What's the first thing 75 percent of vapers do when they see 1000 or 950mah dna200 mods. They start rambling about how crappy the battery capacity is and blah blah I'll stick too my 18650s with 3000mah for one cell. At least we have the knowledge to know what's what but if 75 percent of people didn't there not gonna buy the mod with the 950mah label on it next to the same mod with the 3000mah label. So at least the misleading numbers don't actually change the runtime of the unit. I hate it too but it won't change. It's just like amp rating mentioned above. It'll catch on when lipo becomes more popular.

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